Sustainable development and environmental protection

The goals of sustainable development and environmental protection are the foundation of our Company’s operations. Every year we do our best to be more and more environmentally friendly.

Sustainable development

We make every decision regarding our production in a responsible and conscious manner, while aligning with the concept of sustainable development. We strive to improve our production processes and raw material utilization methods to enhance their efficiency and eliminate CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Furthermore, in order to protect the environment and preserve biodiversity, we focus on climate change mitigation solutions.

Carbon footprint, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions

We minimize greenhouse gas emissions and increase the share of renewable energy sources in our daily activities. Since 2021, we have been monitoring carbon footprint emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol standards and the ISO 14064-1 standard. The CO2 equivalent intensity of our organization in the years 2021-2023 has been reduced by 53%.

  Base year 2021 Last year 2023
Scope I emissions, in tonnes 3 180 1 460
Scope II emissions, in tonnes 14 820 9 100

Reducing our carbon footprint is how we fight against climate change.

Examples of implemented actions and ongoing initiatives in our Company aimed at environmental protection:

  • we use electric forklifts in our warehouse and production halls, which eliminates the generation of harmful fumes detrimental to health  and the environment,
  • we use recycling, sort waste, and ensure that each of our employees is trained in this area,
  • we are gradually eliminating the use of disposable packaging,
  • we have replaced the previously used traditional lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting in our production and warehouse halls, as well as in office spaces,
  • we have a state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly testing laboratory where we regularly test samples of the raw materials used in our production process,
  • we are replacing traditional sources of energy such as coal and natural gas with renewable energy sources, such as solar energy,
  • we are improving our vehicle fleet by replacing gasoline-powered cars with electric ones.

In pursuit of sustainable development, the majority of our Business Partners  are actively engaged in reducing their carbon footprint.


Certificate confirming the calculation of the carbon footprint for Metall-Expres organization


Environmental protection

We adhere to environmental protection regulations in our business operations.

Each of our Branches has waste disposal permits for collecting waste. In addition, we have a permit for metal recovery at the Zaczernie plant. Since 2020, we have been registered in the Waste Database System (BDO), where we maintain current waste records, submit annual waste reports, and prepare Waste Transfer Notes.

We would also like to mention that our main raw material for production is copper, one of the most environmentally friendly materials. Copper can be processed multiple times without loss of quality. The use of this raw material in electrical installations increases their efficiency thereby reducing CO2 emissions and reducing the carbon footprint.